Monday, October 10, 2011

Time is money

If time is money, that means that when we chose to spend our money on things/people/stuff/food/ fill-in-the-blank-here that means we're also choosing to spend time away from what we love in order to pay for what we chose to spend our money on.  So if we manage our money poorly, we're managing time poorly.

Thanks to for pointing this out to me. 

I've also learned that if you don't value your time, you don't value your money or your stuff.  I never thought the two were so closely related. 

If time is money, and I have exchange my time for money, then a penny saved is a penny earned-- and probably a couple of minutes too.  This perspective on time and money management is making me rethink everything I choose to spend my time-- money on.  I'm thinking that I need to make sure that I spend both time and money wisely and focused around what I love instead of frivolous things I think I need.

Here's an example:  Starbucks.  One grande per week.  $4.55 for 52 weeks is literally a day and half of work for me.  I don't want to work a day and a half to drink Starbucks.  I'd rather work a day and a half to go on a great date with my husband or save for a vacation.  Starbucks out.  A penny saved is a penny earned.  Well, $236. 60 worth of pennies!  :)  I've been going through my head and thinking of all the ridiculous stuff that I spend-- waste-- my money on, and those things are out too.

I broke down my entire budget by how many days I have to work in order to pay for certain things-- like the mortgage, electricity, etc.  It's making me rethink how I spend all of my money.  I'd like to be able to spend my money on what I chose to spend it on.  I'll get there.  Baby Steps.  Realization is the biggest part of the battle. 

At this point, I'd like to give a shout out to my Creator for helping me to see all of this and answering my prayers.  You're an Amazing God.  Thank you for caring for me!

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