Monday, July 11, 2011

30 Day Challenges: Challenge 1: 30 Days - No Cannolis!

I've absolutely decided some things about my life are fantastic!  I have a great God, a great husband, a great son, and family, and I love my job.  But there are some things that need work.  So I'm instituting a series of challenges.  My overall goal in these challenges is to improve my life by learning to be satisfied with what I have been given. 

So here it goes:  Aristotle said, "It is the nature of desire not to be satisfied, and most men live only for the gratification of it."  It would be rather ridiculous of me to give up on desire.  After all, God made me with desire.  I'm thinking though, that my desire needs to be aimed in the right direction-- and not at the cannoli! 


When did my love for the cannoli get out of control????  I mean, it started with the occasional minature cannoli while shopping at Publix.  This has now grown into a disaster of gargantuan proportion.  I crave them daily.  I think about how light and sweet they are, and how they just feel so wonderful-- even now my mouth is watering--- and I just ate two BIG cannolis. So far, this week, I've had 3. 

I was planning to do a series of 30 day challenges.  I thought all day-- long and hard about what challenge would be first, and right now giving up the cannoli is a challenge!    So my first challenge to myself is:  No cannoli's -- 30 days! 

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